Thursday, March 14, 2013

Dimensions in Time - from the Escape 2 Earth Series

Dimensions in Time - Lawrence Johnson, Sr., Author

Dimensions In Time - Review by Martha A. Cheves, Author of Stir, Laugh,

Repeat; Think With Your Taste Buds; A Book and A Dish

'Aunt Judy gave him a smile as she walked over to the old desk

near the window. She reached into the bottom drawer of the

battered oak desk and pulled out a cigar box and tattered dog-

eared copy of the novel Journey to the Center of the Earth. The

elderly woman handed the book and cigar box to her nephew.

Uncle Joe was Eddie's favorite. Most people considered him a bit

odd' but Eddie could never get enough of his stories about 

flying horses, dragons and elves. He would be surely missed by

Eddie but at least he had something to remember him by, his 

cigar box and book, or at least that's what he thought until

later that night, when he actually opened the box and found it

contained an old map and a silver ring with a sapphire stone in

the center. His mind raced and his heart beat faster than 

normal. "A treasure hunt. What was Uncle Joe trying to tell me?"

Eddie asked himself.

Well, being like his Uncle, Eddie knew there was only one way to

find out. Take the map and find the 'treasure.' The trip would

take him to the Amazon and since Eddie's brother Michael was

getting married soon, this would be the perfect trip for the two

of them to make before he took on the life of a 'married man.

What he didn't expect to find when arriving at the spot 

described on the map was a second Stonehenge, flying horses and

little people. He also never expected to be given the chance to

change the outcome of one of the greatest disasters of his time

and save hundreds of lives.

I've read several of Author Lawrence Johnson's books and this

short story e-book will take you on a journey through time that

only he can do. It's a great quick read for those who love a

little adventure in your life, like I do.

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