- Book Town Blog interview with Bobby Nash
Hi Bobby,Thanks for taking the time to talk to us today.My pleasure.Question oneYour novels are written in several genres can you name a few?AnswerSure. I have written crime fiction, action, adventure, horror, sci-fi, pulp, and super-heroes. I am fortunate that I have been able to work in multiple genres. Crime figures into a lot of my genre choices. I like to mix and match them when I can.Question twoHow many books have you written?Answer111 (published). There are some written that are not out yet. There are also assorted comic strips, articles, interviews, etc. that I didn’t count.17 novels/novellas/collections45 short stories/anthologies49 comic books/graphic novelsQuestion threeWow, there's so much you've already worked on. What are you currently working on?AnswerAt the moment, I am finishing up SNOW TRAPPED, the 4th book in the Snow series for BEN Books. Snow Series 1 will be 6 books. If it continues to sell well, we will do a Snow Series 2 with 6 more books. I’m hopeful, but fingers crossed. Snow is an action-oriented series about a former undercover federal agent who now works as a p.i. and security consultant.I’m also prepping/plotting book 1 of the HUNTER HOUSTON: HORROR HUNTER series for Falstaff Books. Houston is a new character that will be a spin-off of John Hartness’ wildly popular BUBBA THE MONSTER HUNTER series. At present, there are four novella-length stories planned. Sales will decide if we continue on from there. Houston is a comedy/horror series with big monsters and odd creatures.I’m also prepping the SNOW collection (the first 3 in a single volume) and pulling together art for a collection of my old LIFE IN THE FASTER LANE comic strips. Beyond that, there are plots being put together for HUNTER HOUSTON: HORROR HUNTER books 2 - 4, SNOW 4 - 5, a couple of shorter pieces I owe publishers, and 3 novels in various stages that need to be finished: EVIL INTENT, LANCE STAR: SKY RANGER “COLD SNAP”, and BLOODSHOT (although I am probably going to change the title on the last one).Question fourYou're extremely busy. Where do you draw your inspiration from?AnswerPretty much anywhere and everywhere, I think. Wherever it springs from, I just hope the well doesn’t dry up anytime soon. Ha! Ha!
Question fiveDo your stories occur at a particular time, era or city?AnswerI’m all over the map, especially with the anthology work. Most of the publisher that hire me for pulp stories, usually have those stories and character tied to specific points in time so they become period pieces. I’ve written stories from the 1920’s through well into the future. I also tell a lot of stories set in the present as well. After so much time in the pulpy 30’s and 40’s, it’s nice to have characters use cell phones and computers every once in a while.Question sixHave you ever had a hard time letting go of a character you have grown fond of?AnswerYeah. It happens. I sometimes get ideas for characters I wrote years ago and don’t own. I’ve had to teach myself to ignore them. Other times, it’s helpful. The sheriff in EVIL WAYS was originally intended to be a one-off character, but he keeps pecking at the back of my brain. That’s why he returned in DEADLY GAMES! And has a significant role in the upcoming EVIL INTENT. There are even plans in place for him to get his own book(s) in the very near future. I’ve already started plotting the first one.
Question sevenHave any of your novels made it to TV or the big screen?AnswerNo. Wouldn’t it be cool if they did, though?
Question eightI noticed that you attend a lot of cons and book signings, do you have a favorite event?AnswerEach one is unique in its own way and I have several favorites for different reasons, but I’d probably single out Atlanta’s Dragon Con as my top show of the year. I have attended Dragoncon as either a fan or guest for 30 years and every Labor Day, I head back for more. I love it.
Question nineWould you like to give a shoutout to any of the writers you collaborate with?AnswerSure. I have been fortunate to work with and get to know some amazingly talented people. There’s no way I can get everyone in, but here are a few I’ve worked with:Sean Taylor and I created The Ruby Files book together and we’re both extremely proud of the reception it has received from fans and peers alike. Both volumes released have received multiple award nominations and wins. I wish we could replicate that magic again.John Hartness is one of the funniest cats on the planet and he’s pretty damn good when it comes to word-singing too. And not just on paper. If you ever get the chance to catch one of his readings, do it. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed. He’s also a publisher and gave me one of the oddest, but also coolest pitch requests. We were talking at a con about his new venture, Falstaff Books. He looks at me and says, “so, you got any shit laying around I can publish?” How can I say no to that? Plus, we like to geek out over our love of Elmore Leonard’s Justified, which is always fun.Nancy Holder and I got to know one another after writing stories for the Domino Lady anthology. Not only is she an amazing writer, but one of the nicest people I’ve ever worked with. She took on the writing duties of the Domino Lady comic and she invited me to co-write a few with her. We had such an amazing collaboration together. It was fun.Other writers who continue to amaze me that I’m honored to call friends include Van Allen Plexico, Derrick Ferguson, Paul Bishop, Gary Phillips, James R. Tuck, Andrea Judy, Darrin Kennedy, Ron Fortier, Tommy Hancock, Michael Gordon, Jonathan Maberry, Keith DeCandido, and so many more I’m sure I’ll kick myself for not mentioning after I hit send. You should really check out all of their work. Talented creators one and all.Question tenHave you made the transition to audiobooks yet?AnswerSome of my books are on audio. My novels are not yet, but we are working to get those in that format now. I have also worked on a couple of projects for Radio Archives where we wrote for audiobooks directly. That was fun and I love hearing the performers narration.
Question elevenDo you have a favorite author?AnswerThis is one of those answers that will no doubt change depending on what I’m reading at the moment, but a go-to favorite author whose work I never miss is Michael Connelly. The Harry Bosch novels are excellent reading. The Amazon Prime TV series that adapts them is quite good also. Highly recommended.
Question twelveWhat is available on your Patreon site?AnswerI treat Patreon like a subscription service. Each month, patrons in the $5 and up tiers receive at least one ebook, usually more than one. New books are also sent to them when released. Patrons also receive behind the scenes information, story snippets, and other exclusive content throughout the month. Higher tiers get autographed paperbacks as well. You can check out the tiers and the public posts at www.patreon.com/bobbynash.
Question thirteenWhat advice would you offer to new writers?AnswerYou have to decide what your idea of success is and plan accordingly. If writing is what you want to do for a career, then you have to treat it like a job and that sometimes means writing when you don’t feel like writing and the occasional sleepless nights when deadlines loom. If you write as a hobby or for fun, and there’s nothing wrong with that, but you can plan accordingly. The type of schedule that works for one writer might not work for all writers. Most of all, I would say that you should have fun with your writing.
Question fourteenWhat would you like to say to your fans?AnswerThank you. I have been blessed with some amazing fans. It’s a small group, but we’re growing. Some of the biggest thrills are when someone tells me they liked my book, brings a copy to me to be signed, or leaves a review. I appreciate the support
Question fifteenWhere can readers find you on social media?AnswerI am all over social media. My main website is www.bobbynash.com, which has links to everything else, but you can also find me on the following sites:among other places across the web.Thanks again for spending part of your day with Book TownMy pleasure. Thanks for having me.
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Book Town Interviews Award Winning Novelist Bobby Nash

About Larry Johnson
BookTown is a social network that brings writers, readers and artists together. From novels to short stories Book Town is the place to promote your work.
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Thanks for the fun interview, Larry. Much appreciated.
interesting interview, great answers.